
GWA Wingfoil World Cup Gran Canaria 2023
11-16 July
Spot: Pozo Izquierdo
Disciplines: Surf-Freestyle, FreeFly-Slalom, Big-Air


LIVETICKER: Day Six, Sunday, 16 July

23.22 That’s a wrap from Gran Canaria. The prize giving is coming up shortly, but that’s it for now.

23.10 M Final Chis MacDonald v Axel Gerard. MacDonald wins with a stunning heat and remarkable score of 29.01. He landed a world’s first triple combo to get 9.97. The new champion Chris MacDonald.

22.51 W Final Orane Ceris v Nia Suardiaz Suardiaz is the champion in Pozo. She came from behind to land the win.

22.40 M Mini-Final Benjamin May v Alan Fedit. Fedit wins and takes third by only less than one point over May.

22.30 W Mini-Final Agata Blach v Bowien van der Linden to decide who take the third podium place. Van der Linden wins it and takes third place in the process with 14.93 total.

22.00 M S-F2 Axel Gerard v Benjamin May. Gerard takes a convincing win with a total of 25.29 and a 9.13 for a Frontside10. May pushed it with his trademark Front Loops but just fell short of the young Spaniard.

21.55 M S-F 1 Alan Fedit v Chris MacDonald. Monstrous heat that MacDonald wins with a 9.8 for a FS10. Fedit tries a double Back Flip on his last trick by just fails.

15.40 W Semi-Final 2 Agata Blach v Nia Suardiaz. Suardiaz makes it to the final with a big heat total of 18.14. She netted 8.67 for massive Back Flip. Blach had a good heat and finish just over a point behind to go to the mini-final.

15.30 W Semi-Final 2 Orane Ceris v Bowien van der Linden. Ceris wins with a banging heat and lands a couple of massive BackFlips, including one for 8.53. She also got 4.83 for a Frontside 3. Van der Linden didn’t seem to have any answers

15.05 R5 H4 Sofia Marchetti v Nia Suardiaz. Suardiaz goes through to the semi-finals courtesy of a huge Back Flip for 8.93. the action is hotting up.

14.53 R5 H3 Maria Behrens v Agata Blach. Blach goes forward over Bherens.

14.42 R5 H2 Viola Lippitsch v Bowien van der Linden. Van der Linden wins big and goes through to the next round, her total  that included a 5,15 for a Frontside 3.

14.34 R5 H1 Isabel Trivinio v Orane Ceris. Ceris powers on looking very good. Her Backflip scored 8.80 to take her to 16.66.

14.25 W R4 H4 flora Artzner v Sofia Marchetti. Marchetti just advances over Artzner. 

14.15 W R4 H3 Mar de Arce Sanchez v Maria Behrens. Behrens goes through to the next round with a heat score of 14.81.

14.05 W R4 H2 Viola Lippitsch v Elena Moreno.  Lippitsch is through to the next round of the competition.

13.55 W R4 H1 Isabel Trivino v Kylie Belouvre. Trivino makes here way into round 5 with 9.85 total.

13.32 W R3 H4 Maria Behrens v Viola Lippitsch v Nia Suardiaz. Suardiaz takes the heat with 17.56 for three counting trick scores that included a massive Backflip for 9.23. Lippitsch  couldn’t quite match her,  with 12.50 and Behrens chalked up 11.23.

13.05 W R3 H3 Agata Blach v Sofia Marchetti v Kylie Belouvre. Blach, who took the third Big Air podium step, advances with the win. In difficult conditions gusting to 41kts, Blach’s heat total was 10.54, with 4.80 for a Toeside Frontside 3.

12.37 W R3 H2 Isabel Triviño v Flora Artzner v Bowien van der Linden. Van der Linden wins with some big trick scores, including a Toeside Frontside 3. But her wing leash broke and the wing was gone in the wind gusting to nearly 40kts now.

12.18 W R3 H1 (We jump straight on the round 3 as some the women have suffered injuries.)
Elena Moreno v Mar de Arce Sánchez v Orane Ceris. Ceris takes the win in big style. She landed two huge Back Flips, the second cleaner one earning her 9.30.

12.06 W R1 H2 Laura Mayer v Maria Behrens v Agata Blach. Mayer has pulled out of the heat with an injury. Blach, who reached the final of the Big Air where she came third, takes the win with 13.60 that included the first combo by a woman.

11.51 Women Surf-Freestyle R1 H1 Elena Moreno v Licia Trivino v Isabel Trivino. Moreno takes the win over the Trivino sisters

09.45 Good morning. We’re planning to hold the skippers’ meeting at 11.00 this morning with a first possible start at 11.30. The women’s Surf-Freestyle and men’s semi-finals and final Surf-Freestyle is the order of business.  Conditions are nuking again in Pozo Izquierdo. Bring it on!

LIVETICKER: Day Five, Saturday, 15 July

17.50 We’ll be back tomorrow to conclude the men’s and women’s Surf-Freestyle action.

17.40 R3 H4 Benjamin May v Malo Guénolé. May amazingly advances with a huge 8.83 combo as his list trick sending Guenole packing.

17.30 R6 H3 Axel Gerard v Xavi Corr

17.13 R6 H2 Noé Cuyala v Chris MacDonald. MacDonald advances to he semi-finals scoring 25.15 with a 9.83  for a Frontside10.

17.02 R6 H1 Jerome Cloetens v Alan Fedit. Fedit also advances after the scores were sorted out.

16.52 R5H8 Liam Dunkerbeck v Malo Guénolé. Guénolé goes forward with a huge 24.73 that included a combo trailing edge back flip for 8.83.

16.45 R5 H7 Benjamin May v Giulio Gasperini. May goes through with a 22.53 heat total courtesy of one of his massive trademark Front Loops that earned 8.07 from the judges.

16.15 R5 H6 Axel Gerard v Francesco Cappuzzo. Gerard just ekes out the win over Cappuzzo by 0.03 of a point. Cappuzzo had the highest trick score for a Radiculo 7, 8.40.

16.05 R5 H5 Xavi Corr v Bastien Escofet. Corr advances ahead of Escofet by just half a point, 22.79 to 22.22.

15.50 R5 H4 Ricc Zorzi v Chris MacDonald. MacDonald wins in a massive heat and the highest heat score of the competition so far–25.87. he got 9.73 for a Frontside 10 and 8.77 for a Combo FrontFlip to Frontside 3.

15.45 R5 H3 Noe Cuyala v Ancor Sosa. Cuyala makes his way to the next round scoring 7.28 for a FrontFlip that took his total to 21.35.

15.30 R5 H2 Balz Müller v Alan Fedit is up next. But the AP flag is up while an issue with the previous heat is resolved.  Fedit takes out Muller by 0.5 of a point. Fedit netted 24.47 including 8.40 for a FrontFlip Frontside3.

15.15 R 5 H1 Jerome Cloetens v Benjamin Castenskiold. The 12-year-old Dane Castenskiold wins by 0.01 of a point to end Cloetens’ run. After a review by the judges, it is Jerome Cloetens who advances over Castenskiold.

15.00 R4 H8 Liam Dunkerbeck v Oscar Leclair. Dunkerbeck does just enough to advance with a big Front Flip right at the end of the heat. 

14.55 R4 H7 Benjamin May v Lasse Harbacek. May advances to the next round and Harbacek is out after never really getting going. May was fresh from the second podium spot at the Big Air competition.

14.45 R4 H6 Axel Gerard v Camille Bouyer. Gerard just squeeks the win with big moves that included a Contra Backflip to take his total to 22.30.

14.33 R4 H5 Xavi Corr v Chucho Nonnot. Corr advances in the contest, his biggest trick a 7.63 for a big Front Flip that sends Nonnot out.

14.25 R4 H4 Ricci Zorzi v Vinnicius Martins. Zorzi takes the win with a heat total of 18.87 and 6.53 for a Radiculo.

14.15 R4 H3 Max Robinson v Noe Cuyala. Cuyala takes the win and advances with a heat score of 22.50.

14.05 M S-F R4 H2 Balz Müller v Lillian Juppet. Muller takes it with three strong scores including an 8.23 for a Radiculo 5.

13.55. M S-F R4 H1 Jerome Cloetens v Clement Hamon. Cloetens is through with some stylish riding in the nuking mid to high 30 knots winds. His biggest score a 7.70. 

12.40 We’re on a break right now and we’ll be back with Surf-Freestyle action. Muller advances with three eight plus scores including an 8.23 for a Radiculo 5

12.05 W Big Air final Mar de Arce Sanchez v Nia Suardiaz v Agata Blach. The wind is gusting to 43 knots and the women are holding down 2.5m wings. A big upset when De Arce Sanchez takes the win, outpointing the favourite Suardiaz. De Arce  is the first Big Air World Champion in her first contest.

11.46 W Big Air mini-final. Bowien van der Linden v Orane Ceris v Viola Lippitsch.  Ceris wins thanks to an 11.40 score. Van der Linden and Lippitsch are tied on 11.00.

11.30 M Big Air final Julien Rattotti v Benjamin May v Titouan Galea. Rattotti get the win and becomes the first Big Airt World Champion. It was a see-saw final between Rattotti and  May. May stuck with his game plan of massive Front Loop that impressed the judges who rewarded him with big scores. But towards the end Rattotti got the conditions dialled scoring 8.80 for an 11.1m jump and clinched the title with an 11.2m jump worth 9.47 on his final trick attempt.

10.58 Big Air M mini-final. Malo Guénolé v Camille Bouyer v Luca Vuillerment will get underway shortly. Guenole takes the win with his highest score 7.97 in winds gusting to 43 knots. Vuillermet gets second with Bouyer in third.

10.15 Good morning. We’re due to kick-off the action the finals of the Big Air contest. The first possible start is 10.30. The plan is the mini-final of the men’s first, followed by the final. Then the women’s mini-final, with the women’s final afterwards. 


LIVETICKER: Day Four, Friday, 14 July

19.11 That’s it for today. We’ll wrap the Big Air finals tomorrow and get back to the Surf-Freestyle action. Join us then.

19.00 MSF3 Titouan Galea v Luca Vuillermet. Galea makes the biggest jumps of the day with a 10.9m counting to give him a heat score of 16.53 and a place in the final tomorrow.

18.45 M SF2 Benjamin May v Camille Bouyer. May goes to the final with massive Front Flips and a total of 15.90.

18.25 M SF1 Malo Guenole v Julien Rattotti. Rattotti takes the win and one of biggest upsets of the day.

18.10 W SF 3 Agata Blach v Viola Lippitsch. Blach goes to the final, winning by only 0.o3 pts.

18.00 W SF2 Nia Suardiaz v Orane Ceris. Suardiaz chalks up some big scores to get a heat total of 15.26. Suardiaz leads the Red Bull Rockets with a 6.3m jump.

15.45 W SF1 Bowien van der Linden v Mar de Arce Sánchez. De Arce takes the win with a score of 11.74 and goes to the final.

17.20 M R3 H3 Jerome Cloetens v Balz Muller v Titouan Galea v Clement Hamon. Galea advances with many of the biggest jumps of the day and sits top of the Red Bull Rockets leaderboard with 10.1m. He ignored the freestyle moves that had given other riders bigger scores. Balz Muller also goes through to the semi-finals.

16.58 M R3 H2 Chris MacDonald v Benjamin May v Malo Guenole v Clement Hamon. May wins with a huge Front Flip that earns 9.47. Guenole struggled throughout the heat. But right on the buzzer he  got 9.50 that was enough to put him through with May.

16.33 M R3 H1 Alan Fedit v Noe Cuyala v Julien Rattotti v Luca Vuillermet. Rattotti takes it with a couple huge jumps in dying minutes of the heat, overhauling Vuillermet who also advances to the semi-finals.

16.00 W R3 H3 Agata Blach v Flora Artzner v Orane Ceris v Lucia Trivino. Ceris goes through with a couple of big scores and a total of 10.80. But Blach wins the heat with a 10.84 too.

15.35 W R3 H2 Mae de Arce v Elena Moreno v Nia Suardiaz v Laura Mayer. Suardiaz goes to the next round landing the biggest jump so far in the Red Bull Rockets side event with a 5.8m jump. Mar de Arce goes forward too.

15.10 W R2 H1 Isabel Triviño v Kylie Belouvre v Bowien van der Linden v Lucia Triviño. Van der Linden wins with 12.15 and jump score high of 6.07.

14.48 M R2 H3 Luca Vuillermet v Luca Harbacek v Benjamin May v G Gasperini. May and Vuillermet advance with May scoring some of the biggest jumps so far. He landed a massive 8.87 Front Loop near the end of the heat. Things are hotting up in Pozo.

14.25 M R2 H2 Camille Bouyer v Ancor Sosa v Liam Dunkerbeck v Noe Cuyala. Cuyala advances with the win along with Bouyer who follows closely the score board. It’s the end of the road for Sosa and Dunkerbeck.

14.08 M R2 H1 Axel Gerard v Chucho Nonnot v Balz Muller v Clement Hamon. Hamon and Muller advance to the next round as Muller get his nose in front at the end of the heat.

13.56 W R1 H6 Orane Ceris v Lucia Treviño. Orane Ceris get the win.

13.42 W R1 H5 Agata Blach v Elena Moreno. Blach gets the win with 10.36 total.

13.30 W R1 H4 Nia Suardiaz v Viola Lippitsch. Suadiaz wins it with the biggest scores in the women’s so far, 14.03. On jump scored 7.33. As usual Suardiaz looks like she will be the one to watch.

13.20 W R1 H3 Kylie Belouvre v Mar de Arce Sánchez. Spain’s De Arce Sanchez takes the win with an impressive heat  that included the high trick score of the women’s day, 6.93.

13.07 W R1 H2 Bowien van der Linden v Laura Mayer. Van der Linden wins convincingly with a 11.06 total.

12.55 Women’s R1 H1 Flora Artzner v Isabel Triviño. Triviño just squeezes the win by 7.27 to Artzner’s 7.21.

12.35 R1 H6 Titouan Galea v Chucho Nonnot v Liam Dunkerbeck. Galea takes the win with a total of 11.67, with Liam Dunkerbeck, the son of windsurf legend Bjørn, in second with 9.83. 

12.20 R1 H5 Luca Vuillermet v Clément Hamon v Jerome Cloetens. Cloetens takes the win with a 10.070 score, just outpointing his you rivals in the heat who survive to battle in round 2.

12.05 R1 H4 Malo Guénolé v Benjamin May v Ancor Sosa. Guénolé proves he is one of the biggest contenders, landing the biggest score so far with 8.93 for a massive Forward Front.

11.50 R1H3 Chris MacDonald v Camille Bouyer v Giulio Gasperini. MacDonald takes the win with a couple of huge jumps, on of which earned the bigest score so far, 8.07 and a total of 14.70.

11.35 R1H2 Balz Müller v Lasse Harbacek v Julien Rattotti. Rattotti just pips Müller at the end. Ratotti puts 12.63 on the board to beat Muller’s 12.60.

11.18 Big Air Men. R1 H1 Noé Cuyala v Axel Gerard v Alan Fedit. Fedit moves into an early lead with a big jump and combo that earns him 6.33. The riders have six trick attempts, with the two best scores to count. The Big Air contest will give 80 percent of the score for height, with 20 percent for technical difficulty. Fedit takes the win.

10.40 Good morning. We’ve had the riders’ meeting and we’re set to begin with the Big Air competition. It’s the first time the discipline has been staged. Windy Pozo Izquierdo is the perfect spot to debut the new format. The first possible start is 11.00.



LIVETICKER: Day Three, Thursday, 13 July. (GMT+1)

17.10 That’s the FreeFly-Slalom wrapped up in Pozo Izquierdo. Titouan Galea and Nia Suardiaz take the wins. We’ll be back tomorrow for day four with more wingfoil action.

16.45 M E7 Final 1 Angel Granda Roque 2 Chucho Nonnot 3 Francesco Cappuzzo 4. Bastien Escofet

16.25 M E7 SF2 1 Francesco Cappuzzo 2 Oscar Leclair 3 Bastien Escofet 4 Axel Gerard

16.15 M E7 SF 1 Julien Rattotti, Alan Fedit, Chuchot Nonnot ,Angel Granda Roque

16. 10 M E7 H4 1 Axel Gerard 2 Francesco Cappuzzo 3 Bastien Escofet

16.01 M E7 H2 Lilien Juppet DSQ for being over the line early. Just about to start the heat again.

15.53 M E7 H2 1 Camille Bouyer 2 Malo Guénolé 3 Riccardo Zorzo 4 Jeremy Rodriguez

15.45 M E7 H1 1 Alan Fedit 2 Angel Grtanda Roque 3 Julien Rattotti  4 Chucho Nonnot

13.58 W E13 1 Flora Artzner 2 Nia Suardiaz 3 Mar de Arce Sandchez 4 Orane Ceris

13.52 M E6 final. 1 Titouan Galea 2 Camille Bouyer 3 Angel Granda Roque 4 Francesco Cappuzzo. Galea turns it on when it counts, leading from start to finish. Cappuzzo could not get on terms. Costly for Cappuzzo in the run for the trophy.

13.50 M E6 small final 1 Oscar Leclair 2 Riccardo Zorzi 3 Julien Rattotti 4 Noe Cuyala. The wind’s near 40 knots now.

13.45 W E12 1 Nia Suardiaz 2 Flora Artzner 3 Orane Ceris. Really tight battle as Artzner led most of the way round the course. But in a photo finish with Suardiaz Artzner crashed by crossed over the line as she did so.

13.30 M E6 SF2 1 Axel Gerard 2Francesco Cappuzzo  3 Titouan Galea 4 Camille Bouyer. Tight, tight race. 

13.23 M E6 SF 1 1 Andel Granda Roque 2 Alan Fedit 3 Benjamin May 4  Malo Guenole

13.16 M E6 R4 1 Camille Bouyer 2 Francesco Cappuzzo 3 Oscar Leclair

13.06 M E6 R3 1 Axel Gerard 2 Titouan Galea Riccardo Zorzi 4 Bastien Escofet

13.00 M E6 R2 1 Alan Fedit 2 Noé Cuyala 3 Giulio Gasperini 4 Benjamin May

12.50 M E6 R1 1 Angel Grandé 2Chucho Nonnot 3 Malo Guénole 4 Chris MacDonald

12.39 W ER11 1 Flora Artzner 2 Nia Suardiaz 3 Mar de Arce

12.30 W R10 1 Nia Suardiaz 2 Flora Artzner 3 Viola Lippitsch 4 Kylie Belouvre

12.27 M E5 final. 1 Francesco Cappuzzo 2 Alan Fedit 3 Chucho Nonnot 4 Axel Gerard 5 Titouan Galea

12.15 M E5 mini-final. 1 Oscar Leclair 2 Noé Cuyala 3 Malo Guénolé 4 Riccardo Zorzi

11.37 M E5 H3 1 Axel Gerard 2 Alan Fedit 3 Oscar Leclair

11.29 Men’s ER5 H2. 1 Camille Bouyer 2 Chris MacDonald 23 Giulio Gasperini. We have 25kts+ of wind. Bouyer looking comfortable 

11.08 The plan for today is to get through three elimination rounds for the men so that they can have a second discard of their worst scores. For the women the hope get to Elimination R15. At the end of the day we will crown our champions.

10.49 Now we have a first possible start at 11.15.

09.58 Hello again, everyone. The riders’ meeting is just about to start. Today we will be back into the FreeFly-Slalom for the second day. Today’s course will be a six-leg slalom with two pump sections. The first possible start is 10.45, beginning with the men’s elimination R5, with the women’s races nine to 11 mixed among the heats towards the end of the men’s elimination round. Titouan Galea and Nia Suardiaz sit in pole positions, but there’s still everything to play for.

LIVETICKER: Day Two, Wednesday, 12 July (GMT +1)

18.06 That’s it from Gran Canaria. We’ll be back for more FreeFly-Slalom action tomorrow at 11.00.

18.02 M ER4 final 1 Titouan Galea takes his third wind of the day and move to the top of the order. 2  Francesco  Cappuzzo 3 Bastien Escofet

17.40 M ER4 semi final 2 1 Titouan Galea 2 Axel Gerard 3 Bastien Escoft 4 Lilian Juppet

17.36 M ER3 semi-final 1 Francesco Cappuzzo 2 Julien Bouyer 3 Alan Fedit

17.30 M ER4 H4 1 Titouan Galea 2 Axel Gerard 3 Liam Dunkerbeck

17.25 M ER4 H3 1 Bastien Escorft 2 Clément Hamon. Both are well clear of the field with Ancor Sosa earning a comfortable third.

17.15 M ER4 H2 Riccardo Zorzi is delighted with his first heat win,

17.09 M ER4 H1 Francesco Cappuzzo 2 Camille Bouyer 3 Malo Guénolé

16.44 M ER3 final. General recall as someone over the line early.  1 Titouan Galea 2 Alan Fedit.  3 Camille Bouyer. Bastien Escofet lost his wing and crashed, taking our Francesco Cappuzzo.

16.25 M ER3 small final 1 Liam Dunkerbeck 2 Riccardo Zorzi

16.18 W ER7 1 Nia suardiaz 2 Flora Artzner 3 Orane Ceris

16.10 M ER3 SF2 1 Francesco Cappuzzo titouan Galea 3 Axel Gerard 4 Noé Cuyala. All book their places in the elimination round final.

16.06 M ER3 SF1 1 Bastien Escofet 2 Alan Fedit 3 Camille Bouyer 4 Ancor Sosa

16.58 M ER3 H4 1 Titouan Galea 2 Francesco Cappuzzo 3 Malo Guénolé

16.55 M ER3 H3 1 Lilian Juppet 2 Axel Gerard 3 Noé Cuyala 4 Clément Hamon

16.44 M ER3 H2. Julian Rattotti takes the win after Chucho Nonnot falls.

16.36 M ER3 H1 coming up. 1 Bastien Escofet 2 Camille Bouyer.

16.00 W ER6 1 Nia Suardiaz 2 Flora Artzner 3  Orane Ceris

15.53 M final ER2 1 Titouan Galea 2 ln Fedit 3 Camille Bouyer. Bastien Escofet comes in sixth after a crash.

15.47 M small final ER2. 1 Francesco Cappuzzo 2 oscar Leclair 3 Ancor Sosa 4 Noé Cuyala

15.42 W ER5 1 Nia Suardiaz 2 Flora Artzner 3 Orane Ceris

15.35 M ER2 semi-final 2 1 Titouan Galea 2 Chucho Nonnot 3 Camille Bouyer 4 Lilian Juppet. Cappuzzo made a big unforced error when he crashed. He could not get back on terms to get the all important fourth place to get to the final.

15.29 Men’s ER2 semi-final 1 Bastien Escofet 2 Alan Fedit 3 Axel Gerard.

15.19 Women’s ER4 1 Nia Suardiaz 2 Orane Ceris 3 Flora Artzner. Suardiaz is on fire. She takes her fourth win on the trot convincingly.

15.15 ER3 H4 1 Titouan Galea 2 Francesco Cappuzzo 3 Camille Bouyer.

15.03 ER2 H3. A general recall as man athletes were over early. 1 Ancor Sosa 2 Nonnot Chucho 3 Oscar Leclair 4 Noé Cuyala.

14.52 Elimination R2 H2 Alan Fedit 2 Julien Rattotti 3 Malo Guénolé.

14.45 Men’s elimination R2 H1. 1 Bastien Escofet 2 Axel Gerard 3 Marino Gil

13.55 The competition is on standby right now, for a lunch break. The next call is 14.30 for a possible start at 14.45.

13.47 Spain’s Nia Suardiaz has won all three women’s elimination rounds so far, battling with Flora Artzner of France.

13.03 Men’s first elimination round final is on now. Escofet was over the line early. But Cappuzzo take the heat with Alan Fedit takes a second. It blowing about 27 knots.

12.33 Bastien Escofet and Francesco Cappuzzo win their respective semi-final and are in the first Elimination round final.

12.22 We’re progressing quickly through the men’s elimination round one.

11.26 Red flag is up for men’s heat one.

11.16 But for the moment the AP, postponement, flag is up. The big news of the morning is that the young hotshot Spain’s Xavi Corr has had to pull out of the FreeFly-Slalom event.

11.11 There are 32 men in the contest, divided into four eight-man heats for the short-sharp races. The first heat has some big hitters with FreeFly-Slalom tour leader Bastien Escofet up against the likes of Balz Müller and Riccardo Zorzi.

11.06 The red flag on the committee boat will go up at 11.15 signalling we’re ready for off for the first heat of the men’s FreeFly-Slalom comtest here in Pozo Izquierdo. The slightly downwind course has seven legs and two pump tracks where the athletes must pump their foils or use the power of the swell.

08.55 Good morning on the second day of the GWA World Cup Gran Canaria. The riders’ meeting is planned for 10.00 with a first possible start at 11.00. Today we move to the FreeFly-Slalom discipline, with 44 men and 12 women set battle on the course.


LIVETICKER: Day One, Tuesday, 11 July (GMT +1)

19.30 That’s a wrap from Pozo Izquierdo. We’ll be back tomorrow for day two  and more banging wingfoil action.

19.12 R3 H8 Lasse Harbecek v Riccardo Zorzi v Malo Guénolé. French reigning Surf-Freesyle wold champion Guénolé came out swinging in the last heat of the day. He scored 9.60 for a Backflip 360 that took his heat score to 26.47 and saw him advance to R5.

18.55 R3 H7 Giulio Gasperini v Maximillian Robinson v Oscar Leclair. Gasperini gets the win with solid trick scores ahead of Robinson and Leclair as the wind keeps on pumping at 30 knots plus withe riders on around 3sq m wings.

18.35 R3 H6 Chucho Nonnot v Balz Müller v Francesco Cappuzzo. Cappuzzo takes the win by a slender margin over Müller. Both got 8+ scores for a Radiculo, the move coined by the Swiss rider.

18.16 R3 H5 Jerome Cloetens v Camille Bouyer v Bastien Escofet. Escofet just takes the win over Cloetens to go ahead to R5. Along the way he landed another Frontside 1080..

18.03 R3 H4 Liam Dunkerbeck v Noé Cuyala v Chris MacDonald. MacDonald goes to R5 with the first perfect 10 of the event for a Frontside 1080 and a 9.07 Combo of a Frontflip and Frontside 3.

17.50 R3 H3 Benjamin May v Vinnicius Martins v Ancor Sosa. Sosa wins the heat with a total of 20.97, just squeezing out May by barely half a point.  May and Martins to battle for survival in R4.

17.32 R3 H2 Clément Hamon v Axel Gerard v Alan Fedit. With the biggest heat scores so far, Fedit goes to R5 with a total of 25.13. Gerard and Hamon get another chance in R4.

17.22 R3 H1 Benjamin Castenskiold v Xavi Corr v Lilian Juppet. A big upset as the Danish youngster Castenskiold overhauls one of the favourites Corr at the death of the heat. Corr and Juppet will have to battle it out in R4.

17.02 R2 H4 Lasse Harbacek v Fabian Muhmenthaler. Harbacek advances with a total of 14.13, including a 7.50 for a big Frontflip.

16.51 We’re on hold now for a moment with postponement “AP” flag up on the beach.

16.40 R2 H3 Marina Gil v Chucho Nonnot. The wind is pumping to at least 35kts now. Nonnot takes the win with the highest trick score of the heat a 7.0 for a Combo.

16.30 R2 H2 Giulio Gasperini v Liam Dunkerbeck. The Pozo local, Dunkerbeck, son of windsurf legend Bjorn, takes the win with a score of 15.98 and heads to R3.

16.22 R2 H1 Julien Bouyer v Clément Hamon. Fifteen-year-old Hamon takes the over his French countryman and advances to R3.

16.05 R1 H4 Marino Gil v Fabian Muhmenthaler v Giulio Gasperini. Gasperini wins and advances with Muhmenthaler and Gil having to fight for survival in R2.

15.45 R1 H3 Lasse Harbacek v Chucho Nonnot v Jerome Cloetens. Cloetens goes through in first position with some big trick scores, including an 8.0 and two 7+ moves. Nonot is second and Harbacek is third. 

15.30 R1 H2 Liam Dunkerbeck v Benjamin May v Julien Bouyer. May takes the win after a slow start. A combo of a Backflip and Frontside 360 helped the German to the win and move to R3. 

15.04 R1 H1 men’s Surf-Freestyle Clément Hamon v Luca Gasperini v Benjamin Castenskiold. The riders are out on about 2sq m wings in the 30 to 35kts of breeze. Fourteen-year-old Castenskiold establishes an early lead for a 7.28 for a Toeside Backflip. Hamon pushes hard Castenskiold holds the lead. Hamon takes second and will have to fight it out in R2 with Gasperini. Castenskiold goes straight to round three.

14.35 We’re due to go Live at 14.45. Tune in to see the opening action in the men’s Surf-Freestyle.

12.21 The competition will start with the men’s Big Air qualification rounds. We will have four, four-men heats. Each rider will have 30 seconds to perform one of their three Big Air trick attempts, with the best to count. The height of the jump will account for 80 percent of the score, with the technical difficulty the other 20 percent. 

11.45 Good morning everyone. The riders’ meeting is just starting. We’re looking at a first possible start at 13.00. First up will likely be the qualification rounds for the Big Air competition. It’s the first ever wingfoil Big Air contest and when we’re finished we’ll be crowning the men’s and women’s world champions.