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La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain

Surf-Freestyle Elimination Ladders

GWA Youth Wingfoil World Championships La Palma 2023

GWA Youth Wingfoil World Championships La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain – featuring Surf-Freestyle and FreeFly-Slalom competition categories for talented, upcoming wing foilers 

Ezio Bastianelli
Wilhelm Christahl
Hubert Christahl
Sam Rossmeier
Leon Schiel
Benjamin Castenskiold
Daniel Wenger
Marius Laffargue
Rocco Sgrelli
Carlos Monstans
Pallier Sacha

Ezio Bastianelli
Wilhelm Christahl
Hubert Christahl
Sam Rossmeier
Leon Schiel
Benjamin Castenskiold
Daniel Wenger
Marius Laffargue
Rocco Sgrelli
Carlos Montans
Sacha Pallier

Ezio Bastianelli
Wilhelm Christahl
Hubert Christahl
Sam Rossmeier
Leon Schiel
Benjamin Castenskiold
Daniel Wenger
Marius Laffargue
Rocco Sgrelli
Carlos Monstans
Pallier Sacha

Ezio Bastianelli
Wilhelm Christahl
Hubert Christahl
Sam Rossmeier
Leon Schiel
Benjamin Castenskiold
Daniel Wenger
Marius Laffargue
Rocco Sgrelli
Carlos Montans
Sacha Pallier

Ezio Bastianelli
Wilhelm Christahl
Hubert Christahl
Sam Rossmeier
Leon Schiel
Benjamin Castenskiold
Daniel Wenger
Marius Laffargue
Rocco Sgrelli
Carlos Monstans
Pallier Sacha

Ezio Bastianelli
Wilhelm Christahl
Hubert Christahl
Sam Rossmeier
Leon Schiel
Benjamin Castenskiold
Daniel Wenger
Marius Laffargue
Rocco Sgrelli
Carlos Montans
Sacha Pallier

Arthur Thébault
Mahe Thébault
Luca Vuillermet
Solenn Gall
Franz Rappolder
Axel Gerard
Manuel Morillo
Stepan Bene
Nathan Berger
Clement Hamon
Leo Suardiaz
Jules Laffargue
Finlay Chandler

Arthur Thébault
Mahe Thébault
Luca Vuillermet
Solenn Gall
Franz Rappolder
Axel Gerard
Manuel Morillo
Nathan Berger
Clement Hamon
Leo Suardiaz
Jules Laffargue
Finlay Chandler

Nia Suardiaz
Lily Buden
Manon Dupe
Eulalie Thebault
Enoha Laurent

Nia Suardiaz
Lily Buden
Manon Dupe
Eulalie Thebault
Enoha Laurent

Hector Giraudier
Aleksander Acherer
Tomas Acherer
Rocco Sotomayor
Noé Cuyala
Christopher Macdonald
Martín Tieles
Ancor Sosa
Maxime Souvignet
Malo Guenole
Samuel Méndez
Pierre Zany Monteiro

Hector Giraudier
Aleksander Acherer
Tomas Acherer
Rocco Sotomayor
Noé Cuyala
Christopher Macdonald
Martín Tieles
Ancor Sosa
Maxime Souvignet
Malo Guenole
Samuel Méndez

Event Info



Contest dates

29 June - 2 July 2023




La Palma, Canary Islands

Prize money




International TV Coverage


Race Notice


Registration is closed. For questions please contact the Tour Manager Tom Hartmann at tom@globalwingsportsassociation.org