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GWA National Event in St Pierre la Mer, France 2021 | Event Overview

GWA National Event 
St Pierre la Mer, France
18-19 September 2021

18 and 19 September 2021 saw the GWA national event taking place in Saint Pierre la Mer in the South of France. Taking place at the same time as the GKA Junior World Cup event, the two events saw a total of 48 competitors.

The Wingfoil competition started Saturday afternoon with a slalom style course with port tack start and finish. The offshore wind and flat-water conditions allowed four heats to take place and saw tough competition between the two French riders Mathis Ghio and Hugo Marin, with Marin taking the lead on the leader board at the end of day one. The weather took a turn for the worst as a storm cloud came over, postponing the next heats to the following day.

Sunday gave us a day of the well-known “Tramontana” north-westerly wind. With a 10 am start and a bright blue sky, we were able to run six-race heats, as well as a freestyle men’s and junior’s ladder. The first four heats were run on a slalom course with the start and finish gates positioned on the starboard tack. This was followed by two heats of a more complicated course involving two upwind legs and a finish line close to the beach. Mathis Ghio showed impressive speed in between marks and came out the overall winner with Hugo Marin in 2nd place. Frenchman Malo Guenole took the pole position in the Junior competition, with Noé Cuyala from Corsica (FR) a close second.

After lunch, the freestyle event was launched with both a Junior and Senior ladder. Conditions were flat water and a gusty 25-30 knot wind. Spectacular tricks including several impressive backflips from Swiss rider Maxime Chabloz, all judged by an international team of judges from Argentina, Spain, France and the Netherlands. 

The winner of the men’s freestyle competition was Maxime Chabloz and in second place Hugo Marin. Malo Guenole took the 1st place for the Juniors with an impressive second place for young German rider Finn Fugel.

Keep an eye out for upcoming events in France at www.glisseetkite.com.



  1. GHIO Mathis
  2. MARIN Hugo
  3. GALLOT Kenny




  1. 1 GUENOLE Malo
  2. CUYALA Noé
  3. GIRAUDIER Hector


  2. MARIN Hugo
  3. GALLOT Kenny


  1. GUENOLE Malo
  2. FLUGEL Finn
  3. CUYALA Noé
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